Get to Know Our Resident Journalists: Bazi Kanani

Get to Know Our Resident Journalists: Bazi Kanani

Bonfils-Stanton Foundation

September 30, 2024


min read time

Meet Bazi Kanani, an accomplished journalist, freelance writer, and multimedia storytelling strategist. With a career spanning prestigious platforms like ABC News in Nairobi and 9NEWS in Denver, Bazi has earned numerous awards, including the Gracie Allen, Edward R. Murrow, Heartland Regional Emmy, and National Association of Black Journalists awards. Now, she's bringing her global experience back to Colorado, aiming to share stories that enhance our collective well-being. We sat down with Bazi to learn more about what drives her passion and love for storytelling.
Anthony Grimes (AG): What drives you to write?
Bazi Kanani (BK): "One part of it is that I love to read, which means I benefit daily from the effort and talent of other writers. I think it’s a natural progression for avid readers to become writers themselves. Some may do this in professional ways. For others, it may be more of a hobby. For me, writing is a way of being more than a recipient of something I value, but also a contributor."
AG: What do you most love about Denver?
BK: "I describe myself as a world traveler with a heart for home, and metro Denver is the place in the world that I consider home the most (including Colorado more broadly.) It’s where my extended family and many of my oldest friends live. Home is a thing that never leaves us. No matter how far and wide we explore, home is the measuring stick we carry internally — the thing we find ourselves comparing everything else against. So what I personally love about Denver is simply that it’s home for me. And it’s such a very good home that I have come back to raise my own children here. I also love that Denver is a young city in historical terms. Young places are interesting. They are often more dynamic, fast-changing. This brings plenty of challenges, but also, so much potential to design, build, structure, and grow in new and better ways."
AG: If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
BK: "Oh, wow, there are so many ways this answer could go! Someone from a movie or TV series, or someone from a novel? Someone you’d like to learn from or just someone who seems like they would be fun to hang out with? It would be hard to pick just one. So I’m going to cheat a little here and turn the hypothetical dinner into a small group gathering! I am a fan of Barbara Kingsolver, and I would have at that dinner table two of the characters in her novel 'The Poisonwood Bible,' set in DR Congo in the 1960s. Leah Price and Anatole Ngemba become a couple in the novel, and I’d be interested in their perspectives on race, family, and issues affecting developing nations. Also, I’d invite Captain Jean-Luc Picard from 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' because his perspective on history and space would be fascinating. Finally, I’d save a seat for someone outrageously funny. I’d spend a little time searching through comedies to find a character whose humor frequently surprises — bringing us out of our heads and into the moment, reminding us of the utter joy and absurdity in our everyday lives."

Read Bazi’s first article “Investing for Greater Impact” and stay tuned for more of her insightful storytelling and unique perspectives. Her upcoming work promises to engage, inform, and inspire.  


Our Resident Journalist model is designed to help bridge the visibility gap in Denver’s arts and culture coverage. Despite the city’s vibrant cultural landscape, many powerful stories remain untold, and key figures and transformative projects often go unnoticed. Through this initiative, we’re bringing these essential narratives to the forefront, ensuring they reach the audience they deserve.

Bonfils-Stanton Foundation

September 30, 2024
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