

Envisioning a future of possibility: A thriving and just Denver calls for creative, forward-thinking leaders.

Our Leadership Programs

Arts for the culture, Leaders for the people.
A Thriving Denver
Denver thrives on the creativity, care and commitment of its community leaders and artists. Bonfils-Stanton Foundation is dedicated to these visionaries driving systemic change across the Denver Metro area. Our investments celebrate and support leaders with big ideas who create vibrant, equitable communities and positively impact peoples’ lives. Discover how we champion transformative leadership for a more resilient Denver.
Transformational Leaders
At Bonfils-Stanton Foundation, we invest in transformational social sector leaders. These leaders serve as catalysts for systemic change, driving innovation, collaboration, and sustainable solutions to pressing societal challenges. By investing in these visionary individuals, we not only amplify their impact but also cultivate a culture of inclusivity and resilience, laying the foundation for a brighter future for all members of our communities.

Livingston Fellowship

Two Decades of Impact: Shaping Communities, One Leader at a Time
The upcoming selection cycle kicks off in Fall 2024 for the Class of 2025.

The Livingston Fellowship stands as a beacon for Colorado’s social sector leaders, offering them recognition, inspiration, and unparalleled learning opportunities. This program seeks future visionaries who demonstrate proven leadership, growth potential, and eagerness to learn while championing equity in their work.

Awarding $35,000 to senior-level leaders, the Livingston Fellowship not only acknowledges their past achievements but also fuels their future through both structured and self-directed professional development activities. Each fellow crafts a personalized plan, while Bonfils-Stanton Foundation provides support, inspiration, and a platform for reflection and creativity.

Fellows have utilized this opportunity to expand their horizons—engaging in national and international travel, academic enrichment, and meaningful dialogues with peers in their fields. These experiences have not only sparked creativity but also broadened worldviews, enhanced resilience, and fostered a sense of well-being. The ever-growing network of Livingston Fellow alumni further enriches this journey, creating a community of support and inspiration that drives continuous, transformative change throughout the Denver Metro area.

Meet our fellows

Since 2005, Bonfils-Stanton Foundation has honored 18 classes of remarkable leaders through the Livingston Fellowship. These nearly 100 individuals hail from arts, culture, humanities, youth development, human and social services, health, education, environment and science organizations. All making significant impacts across the Denver Metro area.

Learn more about the 2023 fellows and dive into their stories through short documentary films here. For a broader view of our fellows’ incredible journeys, explore additional videos on our YouTube channel.

About Our Recent Recipents
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Rita Valente-Quinn
Meet 2023 Livingston Fellow, Rita Valente-Quinn! Dr. Rita M. Rufino Valente-Quinn is a first-generation immigrant from Portugal. She has 15 years’ experience working as a performing arts administrator, producer, and curator in the nonprofit sector.
Amount Awarded:
Paula Smith
Meet 2023 Livingston Fellow, Paula Smith! Paula currently serves as the Chief Impact Officer at Clayton Early Learning, a position that reflects more than 25 years of front-line leadership experience in Early Head Start and Head Start programs where she has passionately served a population of culturally diverse children from birth to age five, and their families.
Amount Awarded:
Viniyanka Prasad
Meet 2023 Livingston Fellow, Viniyanka Prasad! Viniyanka (she/her) is an advocate for cultural equity and criminal justice, including through her service as founder and executive director of The Word, A Storytelling Sanctuary.
Amount Awarded:
Carla Mestas
Meet 2023 Livingston Fellow, Carla Mestas! Carla is the proud Founder and President of C.I.R.C.L.E. & STAMP. She has worked in the area of equity, social justice and inclusiveness for nearly 20 years.
Amount Awarded:
Carmen Medrano
Meet 2023 Livingston Fellow, Carmen Medrano! As Executive Director of United for a New Economy, Carmen guides the organization to deliver on its mission of building people power for racial and economic justice.
Amount Awarded:
Shannon Francis
Meet 2023 Livingston Fellow, Shannon Francis! Shannon Francis, is Hopi and Dineh from Arizona and New Mexico. She is from the Towering House clan born for Red Running into the Water clan. Her Hopi clans are Massau’, Bear Sand, and Snake Clan. Shannon comes from twelve generations of earth caretakers, ethnobotanists, and seed keepers.
Amount Awarded:
Papa Dia
Meet 2023 Livingston Fellow, Papa Dia! Papa M. Dia is Founder and Executive Director of the African Leadership Group (ALG), an established Colorado nonprofit created in 2006 to help improve the quality of life for African immigrants and members of the diaspora.
Amount Awarded:
Sam Battan
Meet 2023 Livingston Fellow, Sam Battan! As the founder of the Colorado Youth Congress, Sam organizes diverse communities of young people to lead systems-level change.
Amount Awarded:
Livingston Fellowship Alumni
Class of 2023

Sam Battan

Papa Dia

Shannon Francis

Carmen Medrano

Carla Mestas

Viniyanka Prasad

Paula Smith

Rita Valente-Quinn

Class of 2022

Elsa Bañuelos
Anthony Garcia, Sr.
Olga González
Yessica Xytlalli Holguín
SoYoung Lee
Neha Mahajan
Johnnie Williams

Class of 2020

David Dadone

José Esparza

Steph Frances

Hassan A. Latif

Claudia Moran-Pichardo

Class of 2019

Eddie Koen

Angell Pérez

Joe Sammen

Joy Sullivan

Evan Weissman

Class of 2018

Harry Budisidharta

Ara Cruz

Yoal Ghebremeskel

Deidre Johnson

Isabel McDevitt

Class of 2017

Lauren Arnold

Kim Easton

Michael Henry

Nina Martinez

Louise Martorano

Class of 2016

Terrell Curtis

Jami Duffy

Andrea Kalivas Fulton

Francisco “Cisco” Gallardo

Michael Niyompong

Class of 2015

Cristina Aguilar

Rachel Basye

Thomas “Malik” Robinson

Teva Sienicki

Stephanie Villafuerte

Class of 2014

Lisa Brown

Coby Gould

Glenna Norvelle

David Ryan

Erin Yoshimura

Class of 2013

Phillip J. (P.J.) D’Amico

Bill Fulton

Heather Lafferty

Olivia Mendoza

Sean VanBerschot

Class of 2012

Sharon Knight

Jean-Philippe Malaty

Rob Smith

Maren Stewart

Kathy Underhill

Class of 2011

Garrett Ammon

Anthony Garcia

Alyssa Kopf

Lisa Hill

Mike Yankovich

Class of 2010

Bridget Coughlin

Sonya Garcia Ulibarri

Maurice (Mo) LaMee

Erin Pulling

Chris Watney

Class of 2009

Greg Carpenter

Jay Grimm

Christine Marquez-Hudson

Charles Shimanski

Gretchen Van De Carr

Class of 2008

Carl Clark, M.D.

Tamara Door

Adam Lerner

Christy Whitney

Jesse Wolff

Class of 2007

Lance Cheslock

Tom Downey

Lucille Johnson

Barclay Jones

Patty Ortiz

Class of 2006

Jennifer V. Atler, J.D.

M. Valin Brown

Melinda Higgs, MPA

Marguerite Salazar*

Brian Wagner

Class of 2005

Susan E. Birch, RN, MBA

Colleen Colarelli, M.P.A., B.A.

Kevin Seggelke

Jamie Van Leeuwen, Ph.D.

Chip Walton


Equity-Focused Leadership Grants

Cultivating representative leadership
Applications will open in Summer 2024.

The Equity-Focused Leadership Grants program seeks to nurture a pipeline of diverse leaders committed to driving positive change within their communities. The nonprofit sector has consistently struggled with a lack of diversity in staff — especially at the executive level. This persistent racial leadership gap negatively impacts the career trajectories and well-being of Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) and other professionals from historically marginalized communities who face systemic barriers that prevent them from pursuing pathways to executive leadership. The leadership grants provide up to $10,000 to organizations that support the leadership development of BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and/or adults with disabilities aspiring to lead in the nonprofit sector.

Social Impact Artist Award

Honoring artistic impact
A biennial artist award in partnership with Denver Arts & Venues.

Bonfils-Stanton Foundation and Denver Arts & Venues are proud to launch the Social Impact Artist Award. The award honors the outstanding contributions of three Denver-based artists or artist collectives dedicated to championing positive impact and social justice through their artistic practice with a $50,000 award that includes $15,000 for a socially engaged project.

Socially engaged art serves as a powerful catalyst for positive change within communities, fostering connections, dialogue, and collective action. Artists or collectives who work in partnership with local organizations and residents to co-create meaningful interventions and initiatives not only raise awareness about important issues, but also empower individuals to become active participants in shaping their own communities. By fostering empathy and solidarity, these artistic interventions build bridges across divides and inspire collective action towards a more equitable and just society. Ultimately, socially engaged art reaffirms the intrinsic connection between creativity, community, and social change, demonstrating the transformative potential of art to shape the world we live in.

Past Honorees

Below are the more than 100 Colorado distinguished individuals and organizations recognized by Bonfils-Stanton Foundation for their achievements. Videos highlighting the accomplishments of recent honorees are viewable on our YouTube channel.

Award Recipients
Arts and Society Award (formerly Science and Medicine)

2020 Catherine O’Neill Thorn

2019 Damon McLeese

2018 Susan Jenson

2017 Arts and Humanities in Healthcare Program at the Center for Bioethics and Humanities

2016 Children’s Hospital Colorado

2015 Kristi Anseth, Ph.D.

2014 David A. Schwartz, M.D.

2013 Leslie Leinwand, Ph.D.

2012 Temple Grandin, Ph.D.

2011 Marion Downs*

2010 Charles A. Dinarello, M.D.

2009 Henry N. Claman, M.D.*

2007/08 David J. Wineland, Ph.D.

2006 Deborah S. Jin, Ph.D.*

2005 John L. Hall, Ph.D.

2004 Philippa Marrack, Ph.D. and John Kappler, Ph.D.

2003 Stephen J. Withrow, D.V.M.

2002 David W. Talmage, M.D.*

2001 Robert W. Schrier, M.D.

2000 Susan Solomon, Ph.D.

1999 Warren M. Washington, Ph.D.

1998 Robert T. Schooley, M.D.

1997 Carl E. Wieman, Ph.D.

1996 Victor M. Spitzer, Ph.D.

1995 John E. Repine, M.D.

1994 Marvin H. Caruthers, Ph.D.

1993 Randi J. Hagerman, M.D.

1992 David Patterson, Ph.D.

1991 Geno Saccomanno, Ph.D.*

1989 Thomas R. Cech, Ph.D.

1988 Gilbert F. White, Ph.D.*

1987 Gordon Meiklejohn, M.D.*

1986 Arthur Robinson, M.D.*

1985 Walter Orr Roberts, Ph.D.*

1984 Theodore T. Puck, Ph.D.*

Community Service in the Arts Award

2020 Marcela de la Mar

2020 Susan and Jeremy Shamos

2019 Anthony J. Garcia

2018 Arlene and Barry Hirschfeld

2017 Stephen W. Seifert

2016 Merle C. Chambers

2015 Adele Phelan

2014 David E. Greenberg

2013 Tim Gill

2012 Robert G. Tointon

2011 Bruce and Marcy Benson

2010 Patricia A. Gabow, M.D.

2009 Hank Brown

2007/08 Harry T. Lewis, Jr.

2006 Frederic C. Hamilton

2005 Carol Gossard*

2004 Elaine Gantz Berman and Steve Berman, M.D.

2003 Noel Cunningham*

2002 Nancy Gary, Ph.D and Sam Gary

2001 Anna Jo Haynes

2000 Patricia D. Kelly*

1999 Marion R. Gottesfeld*

1998 Anabel C.* and Jerome P. McHugh*

1997 E. Atwill Gilman*

1996 Dana H. Crawford

1995 Katherine W. Schomp*

1994 Nellie Mae Duman

1993 Edward A. Robinson and Richard L. Robinson

1992 Edith M. Sherman, Ph.D.*

1991 Elizabeth H. Paepcke*

1989 Sister Mary Andrew Talle*

1988 Beatrice W. Vradenburg*

1987 Ellen G. Harris*

1986 Richard D. Lamm

1985 John C. Mitchell II*

1984 William H. McNichols, Jr.*

Artist Award (formerly Arts and Humanities)

2020 Ed Dwight

2019 Senga Nengudi

2018 Carlos Frésquez

2017 Marina Mosina

2016 Curtis W. Fentress, FAIA, RIBA

2015 Dianne Reeves

2014 Eleanor “Ellie” Caulkins

2013 Pelham G. Pearce, Jr.

2012 Patricia Nelson Limerick, Ph.D.

2011 Dianne Perry Vanderlip

2010 Hal Gould*

2009 Hugh A. Grant

2007/08 Maggie Divelbiss*

2006 John D. Anderson, FAIA*

2005 Calvin M. Frazier, Ed.D.*

2004 Lewis I. Sharp, Ph.D.

2003 Marin Alsop

2002 Rick J. Ashton, Ph.D.

2001 Morley Ballantine*

2000 Jil Rosentrater*

1999 Martin Fredmann

1998 Noël R. Congdon

1997 Lillian Covillo* and Freidann Parker*

1996 Albert C. Yates, Ph.D.

1995 Robert W. Craig*

1994 Jan Perry Mayer and Frederick R. Mayer*

1993 Daniel L. Ritchie

1992 Bruce M. Rockwell*

1991 Duain Wolfe

1989 Nathaniel Merrill*

1988 Edward R. Baierlein

1987 Otto Karl Bach, Ph.D.*

1986 Gordon Hardy*

1985 Cleo Parker Robinson

1984 Lloyd E. Worner, Ph.D.*

Grant Opportunities